{ creativity * conversation }

Let's blabla !
Let's PechaKucha !

20 images x 20 seconds for each speaker.
Tempo, story, tension, show-and-tell.

PechaKucha Night Brussels Vol. 71

When - To be determined - stay tuned at 20:20
Where - BECI, 500 av. Louise, 1050 Brussels

Who - Speakers line-up in preparation (by alphabetical order) - Meet already:
_ Giuseppe Attoma Pepe - Information Design - Assist Digital - Paris / Milano
_ Monica Emmanuel, Africa Global AGEFADD
_ Vincent Jalet, Industrial Designer
_ ...
If you wish to be speaker in a next PK, get in touch and contact PechaKucha Brussels.

PechaKucha Night Brussels

The PechaKucha concept: each speaker has 400 seconds - 6 minutes 40 sec. - for a presentation in 20 images. Each image is on screen for only 20 seconds. No more, no less.
Thanks for spreading the word, sharing the world !

PechaKucha Night Brussels

The PechaKucha format is devised and shared by Klein Dytham Architecture. The first PK took place in 2003 in Tokyo and today more than 1300 cities have PechaKucha Nights. The Brussels edition was launched by Alok b. Nandi in Brussels in 2007 and to date had more than 1000 speakers sharing their narrative in 400 seconds - this is 6 minutes 40 seconds.
We recommend that you arrive half an hour early. Note that the list of speakers is published few days before a PechaKucha and is not in the speaking order - this will be given at the PechaKucha Night!


@Architempo on X/Twitter
Architempo page on Linkedinr
@PechaKuchaBRU on X/Twitter
PechaKucha Brussels page on Facebook.


Get in touch via - contact PechaKucha Brussels.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 70

PechaKucha at CPDP conference on May 22, 2024

PechaKucha Night Vol. 70 in partnership with Privacy Salon

_ Claudio Agosti - From the River of Data to the Sea of Influence: Navigating AI and Social Media in Modern Conflict
_ Eric Bouancheaux Zuckermandl - Communication Design
_ Thècle Dubuis - High Thècle Culinary
_ Arjon Dunnewind - Turning Tables Card Game
_ Gema FB Martín - Mental health systems and data privacy
_ Eva Oosterlaken - Participatory futures
_ Freyja Van Den Boom - AI Futures and Law
_ Karel van der Waarde - Graphic Design Research

PechaKucha Night Vol. 69

PechaKucha des Arts de la Rue, à Huy, on April 20th, 2024

The PechaKucha Night Vol. 69 is taking place in partnership with Latitude 50

Theresa Kuhn – ØBLíK
Cie des Bonimenteurs – Au Coin de ma Rue
Cie Jusqu’ici tout va bien – Avant l’Esquive
Kumulus – Qui a tué mon père
Cie s’Enfabrik – Le Dernier Carrousel
Jérôme Michez – collusiion
Cie Pocket Théâtre – Thierry Combe – Hommes Intègres
Cie Piergiorgio Milano – Fortuna
Collectif Hold Up – Firmament
Naïma Triboulet – Atomic Phénix
Tripotes la Compagnie – Bruxelles & Poivre

PechaKucha Night Vol. 68

PKN Brussels #68 speakers, on 19th of March 2024 :
_ Edouard Cambier & Jeremie Feinblatt - Brussels City Marketing
_ Frederik Damilot - Navigating the Rapids: From VUCA's Waves to BANI's Depths
_ Dai-In Danny Han - Research Centre Future of Food, Hotel Management School Maastricht ZUYD
_ Vincent Jamblin - Circularity Revisited
_ Thierry Mbaye - Louvre Lens Vallée
_ Joep Paemen - Food for Life
_ Rob Renaerts, Coduco - Developing 'Confitures au Lambic' and new food products
_ Diane Richier - A touch of gold by coaching for transformation
_ Hugh van Praet - International Expansion Made Easy
_ Isabelle Verilhac - Pact for Skills at EU

in partnership with BECI

PechaKucha Night Vol. 67

PKN Brussels #67 speakers, on 27th of November 2023 :
_ Auriane Borremans, La Fille du Boucher, Food Hack Brussels -
_ Elise Coudré - Playful Eating
_ Sebastian Moreno-Vacca, A2M architect - can we regenerate the environment?
_ Shruti Nivas, Assist Digital - Sustainability in Action
_ Philippe Paques, food entrepreneur - 'Chérie, qu'est-ce qu'on mange'
_ Solenne Romagni, Citynova - Co-designing urban policies for making cities more human
_ Jashan Sippy, Sugar and Space - Architecture & Food Design
_ Guillaume Slizewicz, creative coder - The Stack, Promptism & other works

in partnership with BECI

PechaKucha Night Vol. 66

PKN Brussels #66 speakers, on 25th of May 2023 :
_ Giuseppe Attoma Pepe - Questioning design - Attoma / Assist Digital - Paris / Milano
_ Marine Coré Baillais - La Patisserie numérique, The Digital Patisserie - 3D and cakes - Paris
_ Jo De Baerdemaeker - typeface design and research, Studiotype - Antwerp
_ Mathilde Do Chi - Food innovation : alternative proteins and regulations
_ Arthur Dumont de Chassart - architect founder of Woodcab, modular garden office a.o.
_ Mohsen Hazrati - Digital Self-Portrait
_ Rebekka Jochem - code2023 - On The Exactitude Of Maps
_ Leon van Oldenborgh - Nudge Dating
_ Lisa Travella-Murawsky - Empowering communities of women and girls through sport in India - Naandi Foundation
_ Ahnjili Zhuparris - code2023 – Voices

in connection with the CPDP Conferences.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 65

PKN Brussels #65 speakers, on 22nd of April 2023 :
_ ADM – 1er KM
_ Boite à Clous – Chantier
_ Cie des Six Faux Nez – Notre Histoire
_ Cie Les Fourmis – Laissez-moi rêver
_ La Corneille Bleue – Boîte Crânienne
_ Hanna de Vletter – DUIF
_ Kenzo Tokuaka – Amorir
_ Mr Henry – C’est le signe que tu attendais !
_ OVNI – C’est pas du jeu !
_ Soif Totale – Pas prévu !

in connection with 1x1soir, Les unes fois d'un soir

PechaKucha Night Vol. 64

PKN Brussels #64 speakers, on 23rd of April 2022 :
_ Cie Ah mon amour ! – Clowncert(in)o Nevrotico
_ Gorillas cie – Le Cri du Bombyx
_ Les Vrais Majors – Eléphant
_ Tempo d’Eole – D’or et de sang
_ Cie Le Brasier – Mérydes, ce cosmos qui respire avec moi
_ Cie Scratch – Drache Nationale
_ Cie Émozon et sur le fil – Une autre histoire
_ B.Bazin, I.Berruyer, M-C.Blanchy, M.Gabelle – Macrales
_ Le Club P.E.P.S – Le Club P.E.P.S
_ Okidok – In Petto

in connection with 1x1soir, Les unes fois d'un soir

PechaKucha Night Vol. 63

PKN Brussels #63 speakers (by alphabetical order):
_ Jef Ausloos & Joanna Strycharz - Univ. of Amsterdam, ICDS
_ Cédric Callewaert - AUXAU, atelier d’architecture
_ Dasha Ilina - Center for Technological Pain
_ Sonia de Jager - tech philo
_ Martin Naithani - blockchain and design
_ Joep Paemen - design and value(s)
_ Thierry Tinlot - Strange facts you NEVER wanted to know about India
_ Sacha Waedemon - digital engagement

in connection with the CPDP Conferences.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 62

PKN Brussels #62 speakers (by alphabetical order):
_ Fleur Rossdale - the art of design
_ Gerard Watelet - decorateur-ensemblier
_ Wim Pauwels - books on interior design, architecture and gardens by Beta-Plus
_ Rozina Spinnoy - Belgium Design Council
_ Guimar Urbina Interiors - the boutique experience
_ Laurent Van Brussel - the home gym as living space

PechaKucha Night Vol. 61

PKN Brussels #61 speakers (by alphabetical order):
_ Andreea Belu, European Digital Rights, EDRi - Big Data Hallucinogens
_ Edoardo Celeste, University College Dublin - A new constitutional moment
_ Laura Drechsler, Brussels Privacy Hub, VUB LSTS - Don’t mix and match! The right to the protection of personal data is not the right to privacy.
_ Eike Gräf, PhD Candidate VUB LSTS - Donating health data after death - a good idea?
_ Majid Iqbal, expert on policy, strategy and design - Disabusing the notion of services
_ Reza Zain Jauferally - Investment Impact
_ René Mahieu - VUB LSTS
_ Walter Palmetshofer, Open Knowledge Foundation Deutschland - 'OpenSchufa' crowdsourcing German credit scoring data
_ Clemens Rosenmayr, Valerio Burlizzi - Circular Economy

PechaKucha Night Brussels Vol. 61 in association with CPDP Conferences.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 60

PKN Brussels #60 speakers (by alphabetical order):
_ Alberto Alemanno - President of The Good Lobby
_ Karl-Filip Coenegrachts - Cities of People
_ Christophe Ginisty - Reputation Time
_ Zita Gurmai - FEPS Vice President and President of PES Women
_ Rozina Spinoy - Belgium Design Council
_ Philippe Van Parijs - Philosopher and political economist
PechaKucha Night Brussels Vol. 60 in association with Jubel Festival.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 59

PKN Brussels #59 speakers (by alphabetical order):
_ Farid Bawa - Truck Art / All India Permit - Amsterdam & India
_ Bram Dewolfs - Urban Foxes & liveable cities
_ Julien Jacquet - PermaFungi, urban agriculture & circular economy
_ Felix Ghyzcy - interior design, sustainable design
_ Christophe Ginisty - Reputation time
_ Valentina Pavel - ApTI (Association for Technology and Internet)
_ Rula Sayaf - Contextual Privacy
PechaKucha Night Brussels Vol. 59 in association with CPDPconferences and PrivacySalon.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 58

Speakers for the #PKN58 edition on Sept. 20th in Recyclart, in alphabetical order:
_ Jean-François De Hertogh - The retrenchment of nations vs the emergence of city-states
_ Pauline de La Boulaye - Being Urban
_ Eugenia Forcat - Innovation: it’s not about the destination; it's about the journey
_ Alain Heureux - Brussels Creative is fostering cross-over innovation
_ DJ Jooles - the Sciences of DJing
_ Alexandra Pisco - Reflecting your heritage in design
_ Shamma Raghib - Future of commerce
_ Rozina Spinnoy - Designing for inclusion/mental health
_ Joris Van Droogenbroeck - Vibes for a new economy
_ Xavier Wielemans - Augmented dreams of 'mixity' in Brussels
Partners for this edition are Recyclart, Design September.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 56

Speakers for PKN #56 on March 9th, 2017 - in connection with EPUB Conference - at KBR / Royal Library / Bibliothèque Royale:
_ Karine Duperret - L’Apprimerie
_ Odile Flament - Ma Mamie en Poévie
_ François Jourde - La réalité augmentée : une nouvelle écriture pour apprendre et s’exprimer
_ Edouard Meier - Creatis, entrepreneuriat culturel
_ Jean-Philippe Thivet - Looking for Mr Perfect
_ Shalev Vayness - Isako, structuration de contenus

PechaKucha Night Vol. 55

Speakers for PKN #55 on Jan.25th, 2017 - in connection with CPDP Conferences - at Halles de Schaerbeek:
_ Vincent Alexis - bxl.wildlife
_ Olivier Arifon - Brussels-Guanghzou the loop
_ Georges Ataya - Skills gap and data privacy education
_ Andras Baneth - Uberification and its discontents
_ Eleanor Bauer - Dadaism (Ontological Jungle)
_ Iris Huis in 't Veld - The Internet of Things-you-don't-really-need
_ Philippe Kern - The politics of culture advocacy
_ Lionel Philipperon - About renovation in architecture
_ Natacha Roussel & Hellekin - Small singularities

PechaKucha Night Vol. 54

Speakers for PKN #54 on Dec.8th, 2016 at Square (Panoramic Hall):
_ Jan De Coster - Founder of Slightly Overdone Studio & robot designer
_ Florent De Ganck - Vélo M2: Energy platform and multifunctional modules for cargo bikes
_ Elise Elsacker - Architect, PhD candidate in Living-Materials, Co-creator Magma Nova, Living Zero-Waste
_ Katrien Herdewyn - Engineer with PhD in Physics and shoe designer of her own brand Elegnano
_ Kimberly Kirkham - Runs the Girls Get Set programme for GE in the UK
_ Niamh Scanlon - 2015 European Digital Girl of the Year
_ Manon Van Hoorebeke - 2014 European Digital Girl of the Year

PechaKucha Night Brussels

PechaKucha Night Brussels is busy documenting previous PechaKucha - So, if you have been PKN Brussels speaker, do get in touch.

PechaKucha Night Brussels

PechaKucha Night Vol. 53

Speakers for PKN #53 on Nov. 22nd 2016 at ULB Solvay:
_ Georges Ataya - Cybercrime and protection
_ Dirk De Nijs - Cybersecurity management guide
_ Guy Kindermans - Writing about Security
_ Florence Pire - Daisy Croquette
_ Marc Vael - Data & Goliath
_ Erik Vanderhasselt - Social Engineering
_ Joris Van den Broeck - Trasys security consultant

PechaKucha Night Vol. 52

Speakers for PKN #52 on Sept. 20th 2016 at Recyclart:
_ Isabelle Bats - author, performer, theatre director
_ Estelle Berger, Strate School of Design (France) - The Topiae project, designing future CV
_ Axel Cleeremans - professor of cognitive sciences, research director ULB
_ Jonna Häkkilä - industrial design professor, Univ. of Lapland
_ Anne Leemans - Y Design Foundation, looking at mobility a.o.
_ Sonia Massari - food & design - director Gustolab, Roma
_ Damian O’Sullivan - Studio O’Sullivan, working w/ Hermes, Delvaux a.o.
_ Andri Søren Haflidason, Brice Deloose - Brussels Electronic Marathon / FTRSND
_ Rozina Spinnoy - Belgium Design Council
_ Dries Tack - business developer & promoter - Escritoire / Belgian Boutique
Partners for this edition were Recyclart, Design September, EU Design Days.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 51

Speakers for PKN #51 on Sept. 3rd 2016 at Bozar were:
_ Michel Culot - Drohme
_ Brice Deloose - Brussels Electronic Marathon
_ Jean Jauniaux - Pen Club Belgium
_ François Jourde - L'attention à l'école à l'heure du numérique
_ Céline Loop - productrice, What About Production (BE) & Oddjoint (IN)
_ Larry Moffett - Brussels Maker Fair
_ Stéphanie Sellier - French Connect
_ Bruno Veyckemans - ici.brussels - open data
_ Olivier Wathelet - anthropologue, 'Jouer avec les futurs ?'
_ Frédéric Young - Les fins du droit d'auteur

Partner for this edition (mostly in French) was Brussels Creative Forum.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 50

Speakers for PKN #50 on May 24th 2016 at Recyclart were:
_ Giovanna Massoni - Virginio Briatore / Brussels-Milano
_ Guy-Claude Agoton - Ideat Paris
_ Anna Bernagozzi - ENSAD Paris
_ No More twist - design textile
_ Philippe Pourhashemi - fashion consultant
_ Giulia Mensitieri - anthropologue
_ Ficheroulle, Gernay, Vandeputte, Vandewalle - design
_ Alain Gilles - design
_ Paulo Mariotti - dessins
_ Laurent Dombrowicz - fashion
_ Wallonie Bruxelles Design Mode - WBDM Team

Partner for this edition was WBDM celebrating its 10th anniversary.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 48

Speakers for PKN #48 on Jan. 26th 2016 at Les Halles:
_ Jasper Bergink - Jasper, The Search for Happiness, & You
_ Maryant Fernández & Diego Naranjo, EDRI - Are you a terrorist?
_ Gloria González Fuster - Teach privacy, fear nothing
_ Steven Guermeur, artist - White cube for Emergency
_ Linc Jackson - By Bicycle and By Camera
_ Ali Sohail, Startup Weekends Antwerp, Ghent, Leuven - Fashion, Food, Education Innovation
_ Malte Spitz, author, activist and member of the Board of the German Green Party
_ Elena Tosheva - Why we need to raise more entrepreneurial kids
_ David Willows, Director of Admissions and Advancement, International School of Brussels - The best idea I ever had, my story

Partner for this edition is the CPDP conference.

PechaKucha Night Brussels

PechaKucha Night Brussels is busy documenting previous PechaKucha - So, if you have been PKN Brussels speaker, do get in touch.

PechaKucha Night Brussels

PechaKucha Night Vol. 46

Speakers for PKN #46 on Sept. 23rd 2015 at Recyclart:
_ Carl Eric Anspach - Local Eat
_ Gaurav Gupta - Cardamon Connections
_ Deepak Mehta - 3D printing
_ Shirin Mirachor - Get Me, Rotterdam
_ Shanturu Prem - Voyage from Germany to …
_ Melissa Rancourt - Green Light for Girls
_ Martin Thim - WorldPerfect - Aarhus 2017
_ Päivi Tahkokallio - Wicked problems and design. Case Arctic
_ Isabelle Verilhac - St-Etienne Forum Design & Innovation

Partners for this edition are Recyclart, Design September and EU Design Days.

PechaKucha Night Vol. 25

The Brussels PechaKucha Night #25 took place in connection with the Slow Food Goûter Bruxelles week and Design September. Speakers were:

_ Muriel Bernard, eFarmz, distribution et livraison de produits bio locaux
_ Marc Brétillot, designer culinaire, Paris
_ Earlwyn Covington, Thinking Food Design
_ Yo De Beule, de Duizendlad, potager bio, plantes et herbes rares
_ Bart De Pooter, chef** du Pastorale
_ Philippe Emanuelli, sommelier - Café des Spores - Supersec fruits de mer déshydratés
_ Marco Guevara, Curador, Museo de Arte y Diseño Contemporáneo, Costa Rica
_ Joep Paemen, Information & Food Analogies
_ Jean Van Roy, brasseur de la dynastie Cantillon, spécialiste de la fermentation spontanée

Language for this edition: talks in French and some in English.